Rule number 1
Act like you don't give a f*uck
Here's your homework
Try to get your pee pees sucked
Rule number 2
Avoid the cafeteria
Bring your own lunch
Or you'll get diarrhea
Rule number 3
Find your posy
Just not the crazy kids that hang underneath the crazy tree
Rule number 4
No hot Cheetos
It looks like you're in your period
Touching your ho-ho
Songs You Love If You Love Nerds
Love Stinks, So Here Are 15 Anti-Valentine's Day Songs
Modern Love: The Best Top 40 Love Songs For Valentine's Day
High school
It's a crazy time
These are the ways that you stay alive
Listen up
'Cause we got some tools
In the form of rules
Rule number 5
Don't join the Harry Potter club
Or a jock will shove a Quidditch stick up your butt
Rule number 6
When you go to take a piss
Don't use a stall
Or they'll call you a baby dick
Rule number seven
Have fashion taste
Short shorts will give you an under the waist sad face
Oh, wait
You don't know what that is?
It's when the fabric of short gets caught in your p*ssy lip
High school
It's a crazy time
These are the ways that you stay alive
Listen up
"Cause we go some tools
In the form of rules
Rule number 8
Find a seat by your crush
Accept health plans
Herpes make her f*ck that up
Rule number 9
Try to f*ck a teacher
Get caught into school for some cheddar
Rule number 10
If you're in a class you hate
Fake interested
And make a Taylor Swift face
"You just blew my mind
Wow, teacher. You're on of a kind"
High school
It's a crazy time
These are the ways you stay alive
Listen up
'Cause we got some tools
In the form of rules
Break down!
Don't cheat on the Asian
They're over rated
Don't bring ethnic food to class
Or you'll be hated
Duck tape wallets are disgusting
And they attract strange pubes
If you like a girl
Don't ever call her "dude"
Having lunch with a teacher is so creepy
Dressing like an anime character is also creepy
Cleaning your braces in public is really gross
And lastly
Just remember this quote
High school
It's a crazy time
These ate the ways that you stay alive
So don't give up
'Cause it's just four years
Than it dissapears