I have a massive spot on my arse
Wondering if I should squeeze it what do you think??
If everyone drop out of high school right now
We would have a more intelligent society
If a girl is drunk is it okay to have sex with her
Oh, oh please reply YES or NO to @Dr.Phill!
Hastag teen sex party
I just farted something sweet!
Smelled AMAZING!!!
Hastag candy farts
Everyone who has a cold sore take a picture
And send it to me
Celebrity tweets yeah
The color of my pee ofter terrefies me
Hey yo, I think its despicable me time
Part two doe
Oh, gwalll lahhhh gwammm lykke demmm werk dat pusssssayyyyy
Pusy, pusy, pusy
Its funny when 90 year old men reconigze me
Hastag sex tape watechers
Can't believe grandmas makin me take out the garbage
I'm too rich for this shit
Sad face
Bieber please just put your fucking shirt on
Do ants have dicks
Celebrity tweets yeah
Bubble but
I like fields
Bubble but
I just cummed on my shoes
So U know how U press copy on UR smartphone with your finger
Question marks
Don't U feel like U have touse the same finger to paste
Exclamation points
The instagram really creepy pics like this
And this and this and this
They even post 6 second vine video clips
Of useless shit like this
Celebrity tweets
Celebrity tweets yeah
Celebrity tweets
11 of my followers will probably die tonight.
I hope its not you
But if it is
Thanks for following
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