Zippy morocco with a hat on his head. Set sail for the seven seas. When his mother took to dead. . Barely out of teenagedom. When his mental map was unfurled.
I'm here because i'm a eunuch. I am no threat. I'm here to watch the ladies. And to fan away their sweat. . And the sultan, so mighty. Comes crawling to me.
Like the contents of a cooler. My thorax is styrofoam. . I'm a cheap spent shell. And a biohazard. Grind me up then mail me away. . Maybe transmogrified.
Well, i guess i'm through stewing. How 'bout lets roll the rock away?. My bedclothes have gone all funky. I've got to get out of this cave. . Stay inside!.
Girls say "why do you want to do that?". And boys say, "well i gotta leave".. And girls say "watch out for your head". And boys say, "why you wanna be a bitch?".
Do you think it makes a difference?. I say yes. . Taking my time. Working on lines. Fingers in clay. Everyday. Head in the clouds. Moving my mouth. Spreading the grout.
Oberheim, yamaha. Steinway and the lot. I must of played the wrong piano. Cause it left me with. I don't know what. So don't talk to me about mistakes.
When I ran off and left her. She wasn't holding a baby. She was holding a bottle. And a big grudge against me. . I tried to learn from the psychiatrist.
Take a light bulb from the closet. And replace the one above the faucet. Scrape the whisker from my face. Nick my lip in pointless haste. . Take a magical marker black.
your personal pariah is in a wool cap. the mirror flakes away take a long nap. . watching the threads disintegrate. like the Krishna beads in a lockbox safe.
It's a battle of the culinary arts. In this boiling land. You met your mate. Over across that river. And some good old contraband. . In thailand. Thailand.
suckin on a toothpick. soaked with cinnamon. the boys in the backroom played on. Anonymous Adonis. he's the one you want. the boys in the backroom played on.
after the splice. when the temperature's nice. after the patch. when everything's a match. after the patch. . after the edit. when it's had time to set.
I am sick of you. Expecting me to do. All those puny ingratiations. You know I am a terrible patient. . I am barely alive. Ever since my daddy died. And I've been searching for my own little babies.
super tuesday, on the ball. super tuesday. i am out on a stroll. . super tuesday, i'm in control. oh, super tuesday. I'm out on a stroll. oh I am out on a stroll.
Up on the bluff. Where i wish i was. Twisting up the pages of history. My cold feet dangling. My bony arms gesturing. To summon up a little chunk of that history.
you're a freak of nature. you are a siamese. you are in a pickle jar. for all the world to see. . Watching the sleeping man. Watching the sleeping man.
it's the plan of most. to discover that magnificent ghost. when did I get perverted. and my innocent eyes diverted. . from a view so grand. imbued with distractions.
Thin and unshaved, drunk and mysterious. Oh, I must say lifestyle is curious. . With a little touch of the sniffles. And filthy socks. Gnawed, crumbled fingernails.
New town reeks of lumber. New town beat the crowds. New town kittens discover that the birds. Scrape the ground. And even the loneliest old ladies get social calls.