My daughter needs a new phonograph. She wore out all the needles. Besides, I broke the old one in half. I hate the Beatles. . She says they have a Liverpool beat.
When you're driving through the desert. And your car runs out of gas. Lotsa luck, pal, lotsa luck. When you try to stop some strangers. They will holler as they pass.
I'm called Little Butterball. Dear Little Butterball. Though I could never tell why. My calories mount. My cholesterol count. Is as high as an elephant's eye.
Listen all you children to my sad refrain. About a subway conductor on a runaway train. Squeezing people into cars, he won his fame. And John Charles Cohen was the great man's name.
I know a man named Otis, who invented a room. And his heart was filled with pride. I said to Mr. Otis, "What does your room do?". He said, "It goes from side to side".
Beautiful teamsters, please let me join. 'Can't drive a truck, but I'm willing to loin. Beautiful teamsters, I love youse all. That's why I'm standing by your union hall.