Mother fuck the way you think. You never made sense anyway. Building up to tear it down. You're codependent on apathy. . By design you fucking sterilize - so you desensitize.
You wear a cheap disguise. Your only vice until the end. Don't have an alibi. You never try you just condemn. You pressure everything. You never bring, you take away.
I don't think you want to be the one to see inside yourself. I don't think you want to understand that it clouds up your mind. I don't think you want to undermine.
The black and cold reminds me. Of all the distance we have crossed. And if your darkness blinds me. I could never be more lost. . But I'm not the one who seeks your protection.
I've given up everything 'till it seems so fucking wrong. I've always been tied to you, now the bond is fucking gone. You're just a victim. Of your own decisions.
Feel the tension of rejection. Bleach it out with therapy. The confusion exclusion. Turns into my deformity. . Never trust it, maladjusted. I've become my own worst enemy.
You're the one who. You're the one who steals the life from. I'm the one who feels the falling. I believe you're nothing but a problem. . Everything is so fake.
Now your failure feeds the contempt. I can't sedate the way you break me down. I can't relieve the pain. I can't reduce the failure you've become. I can't accept the blame now.
Give me life, give me faith. Give me something to see. Give me life, give me change. Give me somewhere to be. Give me love, give me hate. Tell me what to believe.
Put on another face, they always take the place. Of all the things that you have become. Your instability is nothing new to me. It's always something that made you what you are.
Your disease is a fucking waste of time. Turn it on when it fits your need. Never mattered that I couldn't feel a thing. Anything that you meant was forgot.
Punctured lungs. . I'm out of breath. This time I'm suffocating. I've had enough now. Too numb there's no resisting. Becoming one. With all your failure.