Engine severs lower legs. I feel my bruised heart beating. Spinal cord remains intact. Still sending and receiving. . Lying back on shoulder blades. The cargo rushing past.
Officer. Please don't haul me in. Though I'm drunk again. I can explain. I swear to you. For a week I have. Been completely dry. Until tonight. He's been such a good example.
If you could really see then you would ask of me. She knew the well was far too deep for Him to wet His lips. But something told her that He spoke of so much more than all of this.
The poison makes its way through my body slowly. Into the pleasure centers of my brain. If you were here I would admit that I'm an asshole. But now its over and I cant stay sober though it isn't like I tried.
Spring comes slowly. To this old friend. Still I'm frozen. And still live alone. . In time. Memories fade. Senses numb. One forgets how it feels. To have loved completely.
One, two, three, one ready go. . You're up with the sunrise. And down when the work's been done. With excellence industry. Diligence naturally. . I would like to be you.
Deep green hills whose shoulders fade. Into the gray tall wet grass. Whose flesh makes fools of grazing sheep. Whose fleecing makes a fool of me. . And who shall I blame for this sweet and heavy trouble?.
Hunger drives me, it's got me by the reigns. I let it wreck me, time and time again. . I decided to never ride again. I don't know what happened. . Dad, I broke my promise to you.