Burn the midnight lamp. Down until the dawn. I'll keep watch until I'm sure your coming home.. . Shadows play and flicker on the bedroom wall. They turn into a bad dream overnight.
Burn the midnight lamp. Down until the dawn. I'll keep watch. Until I'm sure your coming home. . Shadows play. And flicker on the bedroom wall. They turn into a bad dream overnight.
Strange things seem to occur, somewhere behind the nursery door. Though I was just a bit of a kid, it was the bit that she was looking for. Now I don't know where to begin confessing.
Please put your rings on a different finger. If you meet me tonight. 'Cause I can't stand those suspicious glances. 'Cause I know the things they're saying are right.
Dear sweet filthy world, my wife or whoever reads this,. I think that I've lived too long. With all of my promise unfulfilled. But there is a veil drawn over all of that.
Did anybody notice, over marmalade and eggs. In between the Princess' legs. What with wars and floods and beggars. Not to mention stocks and shares. Well, if you have a moment to spare.