By the light of the lamp I sit to type-my notes on tab at my side. I don't see the sun much these days. A fluorescent tan covers my hide. How much impact shall I have this time?.
Now listen up you know ya come home from working that nine to five and. Lay yourself down on burgundy couch, you know, it never really was. Burgundy. It was red, and you painted with the goddamn sprinkler and.
Sgt. Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, ingenious Sgt. Pilcher. He's found a way to make them pay. For the deviant things they do and say. Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, quick-witted Sgt. Pilcher.
You can have a lolly pop. A candy bar, a jelly bean. I'll buy you a rainbow to hang above your door. . It's pudding time. . Laughter is a sweet you can't put a price on.
See'mon kiddies gather round. Who's your foremost friend in town?. From main to maple the name resounds. Professor Nutbutter. He's the one, the humble one.