I am vibration
like the sun.
The Earth
the moon
the chosen one
Until a thousand
wars are won.
Our battles rage
til we are done
An inclination
to believe.
Theres so much more
we cannot see
Your blinded eyes
still strive to see.
As you are fed
to the machine
And Im loaded
I am loaded
And Ill shoot
Im loaded
I am loaded
And if all Hell
and me collide
Dont take offence
dont take a side
Cos you wont run
and I wont hide
Just blame those words
you used to lie
A winter bitter
cold as stone
As overhead
dark clouds
are blown
And underfoot
I grind
your bones
Your flesh and
spirit long since
Written by
Lyrics Martin
copyright control.
Guitar Vocals
Paul Martin
Cass Wilson
Greg Page
Artist: Rod Stewart
Artist: Callejeros
Artist: Antimatter
Artist: Taylor Bennett