Who gives a damn about love and happiness
You've got your drug wars and of course your politics
You got your money, to buy somebody else's baby
Like your sneaking affairs with a certain young lady,
And your doings, your plans and your brotherhoods
Who can forget about your local gun club
You got your mother, your daughter
Playmates in the pose,
I'm a ball of confusion, seems like nobody knows
She's going to break it, like I'm into groove
Deep down a possible thing she's got voodoo
I confess that I'm an optimist
And while when I choose love and happiness
I love S.E.X. and all that's best
in a world where every day's a test
You can dream ah-ha if you want to (YO!)
You can scream ah-ha if you want to (HEY!)
You can choose ah-ha if you want to (RIGHT!)
You can use your head if you want to (HOOH!)
Take me to your leader
Let's not mess around
Make us call for pizza
We're from out of town
I chew my lips to pieces over this
Every night they sit like zombies watch the news
A certain lady's tummy tuck has gone all wrong
Now her navel is off center so you know she's got to sue
Bigger and better seems to be a give-in
But making her kill is just not her living
Madison invades our private living room
Now you want to know who was fooling who
She's going to break it, like I'm into groove
Deep down a possible thing she's got voodoo
I confess that I'm an optimist
That's while when I choose love and happiness
I love S.E.X. and all that's best
In a world where every day's a test
You can dream ah-ha if you want to (yo!)
You can scream ah-ha if you want to (hey!)
You can choose ah-ha if you want to (RIGHT!)
You can use your head if you want to (HOOH!)
Take me to your leader
Let's not mess around
Make yourself a pizza (?)
We're from out of town