I don't need no memories,
The good the bad, the time that passed.
I don't have any regrets,
That's not true, I've got a few I bet.
Most of them I'd like to forget,
For the time that passes never brings me happiness
The times have changed, it ain't your fault,
Your time has passed but you cannot.
You want your friends and you want 'em now,
You don't care when or where or how.
But you can't, they're dead
They've left and they've changed.
That's the way life goes, that's the way life goes,
Move on, don't wait.
It's time now to put it behind you,
forget about what life has done to you.
The pain it seems, won't heal won't end,
If you can't accept the rules of the game.
Good and bad experiences,
won't be of matter in the great hereafter.