IntroDo You Wanna Dance
Res. (Jo oo!!!! x4)
Enele Tso Y3 Os3Tso Y3 Os3 (x4)
Like Joke, like joke, like joke wey I meet Enyonam
Like joke, like joke, like joke wey I con wey I ron am
Like joke, like joke, like joke me I take am go house
Like joke, like joke, like joke we I chew wey I preg am
Like joke, like joke everything turn like joke(x3)
Like joke, like joke this is how I write my flow
Vrs One
Boy Meet Girl, boy want Girl, two minutes thirty seconds boy want SEX
Boy no know girl from anywhere, but from the look of things boy no dey care
Girl undress, legs don spread, fried sum eggs, toasted bread
Two months three days girl don preg.(BOY YOU NO USE RUBBER SEF )
Girl Chop 16yrs, She dey SHS, this news boy don hear, Boy wan kill himself.
Aapla Moko biAjie(x3)
3wor Abokobi
Vrs Two
Quaye Maame too dey sell toogb33, She take Quaye go University
Peer pressure Quaye no dey learn, inGuy name sef bi shi wee
Quaye write letter to inGirl friend, the read p3 wey the love end
Dear sweetie pie, I miss you like kakai
The thing me and you do father see mother saw
Meet me for some tree under behind next door
Highly inflammable3hor na Nframa bor
And beware of dogsBra b3 wari odo
Still, you are the final lastic in my dros and I go die for you like Jesus on the cross. Blaaaaaaah!!!!
Vrs three
Do it(x4)
Eh!! Y3fr3 mi TF
Artist: Coti
Artist: Keyshia Cole
Artist: Eddy Arnold