In an old garage
Rain is comin' down
Half a block away
You can hear that sound
Powered up by love
And electricity
Makin' lots of noise
And feelin' free
Got a brand new amp
A speaker with a tear
Shock ourselves on wires
Make believe that we don't care
I call this a song
Because I say it is
This one's about cleopatra
Or maybe nick or liz
You play the drums today
I'll play guitar
We're gonna be in a famous band
We're gonna go real far
So pass over that bottle o' wine
We'll smoke all the cigarettes
Is that a car in the driveway?
We have not finished yet
I heard an old man next door
I think we killed 'im with our sound
I saw the body in the ambulance
Maybe we should turn it down
So everybody back off one notch
And close that door on down