If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
I was young
But you were younger
I was older
But you were colder
A motor of malice
I saw you as a beautiful challenge
Not as a phalic
But the way that you dicked me proved so
You fooled me the way you moved so
Fluidly into my life
I wasn't noone
A shadow, as a politician's promises
She promised me a part of her world
And I dove in
Head first
Without even reading the sign
I shoulda known something was wrong
When even her own blood
Warned me of her smoothe surface
But devious jagged intentions
Once you reach the bottom
Your smile, your style, your look
I buy them as truth
Didn't know that I would lose a tooth
To an apple that was all worm
Before its time
With the capability
Of out modeling a snake
The changing of skin
The changing of me
And no,
It's not a crime
But it's worse when the person that robs you
Is close to the heart
And it's worse when that person
You were worried about from the start
You see
I gave you half of my life and then you left me
After you promised not to treat me like the others
I know it's not fair
But everytime I get involved in a relationship
Because of you
My feelings I keep under covers
You see
I gave you half of my life and then you left me
After you promised not to treat me like the others
I know it's not fair
But everytime I get involved in a relationship
Because of you
My feelings I keep under covers
And now I'm letting you know
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
I bet you thought it was all over
When the tables turned
But when the tables turned
It was just the begining
I was befriending recovery
Laugh each time you smother me in your kindness
Acting as if everything had changed
I knew you were still spreading that highness
Like lyrical whip hits lyrical
I get with laughter
After hearing that you slipped back-and-forth
Out of the beds of
Males and females
You still shackin' up with that...
I knew that kid was lacking some marbels or something
After warning me about you early
Then trying to become a star player
Player of the year
But player is a queer
Even though I think nothing of the guy
And I
Have no love for the guy
How could I despize the guy
Even though his intentions were sly
And I mean that literally
I was glad I jumped off board
With my life-preserver
While you still trying to preserve
Your dignity
You deserve each other
You're true winners
The two of you are
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
It's been a long time
And I hope that we've grown
I've finally sewn the final threads
Finally swiped the last bread crumbs
Off my table
I'm willing and able to call a treuce
I guess I'm use
To people like you
People who do faulty things
They surround me in these days and nights
It's hard to find someone who's right at heart
And real from the start
I stopped looking and
Found love in the underground
I'm forever down on building on peace
Say nothing
But you know how to reach me
You might even have a few things to teach me
About myself
The rights, and wrongs of Siamme
Afterall, I am a man
And not afraid to admit fault
But until then
It's up to you to shovel the remaining salt that
Prohibits our paths from crossing
You see
I gave you half of my life and then you left me
After you promised not to treat me like the others
I know it's not fair
But everytime I get involved in a relationship
Because of you
My feelings I keep under covers
You see
I gave you half of my life and then you left me
After you promised not to treat me like the others
I know it's not fair
But everytime I get involved in a relationship
Because of you
My feelings I keep under covers
And now I'm letting you know
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago
If you only knew
The things I went through
Day-to-day to make you smile
Day-to-day to make you go wild
In each aspect of life
You'd probablly wonder why my wrist and knife
Didn't meet a long time ago
Didn't slit a long time ago
Our relationship a long time ago