They looked at Him and saw a simple man
A carpenter with healing in His hands
They saw Him calm a sea and heal a dying man
They saw but could they really understand
They could not, They could not
Though they tried, they could not
He was just a simple carpenter but with healing in His hands
But could they really understand, they could not
They listened to the teaching that they heard
They wondered at the mystery of His word
They wondered what He meant, about a Father's plan
They heard but could they really understand
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They could not, They could not
Though they tried, they could not
They listened to the teaching about a Father's plan
But could they really understand, they could not
So finally upon a rugged cross
They killed the man who would not suffer loss
And when at last they took what willingly He gave
He died, but could they keep Him in the grave
They could not, They could not
Praise God, they could not
And when at last they took from Him what willingly He gave
Could they keep Him in the grave, could they keep Him in the grave,
Could they keep Him in the grave...
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They could not, They could not
Praise God, they could not
And when at last they took from Him what willingly He gave
Could they keep Him in the grave, could they keep Him in the grave,
Could they keep Him in the grave, They could not!