God bless-God bless-God help-God stead
Your dread-Your dead-
Who died in the name of
Vengeance scream loud-your dead-
Who burn young and died off
God bless-God bless-God help-God stead
Your dread-Your dead-
Who crawl in the name of...
Vengeance scream loud-your dead-
Who rise in the nightfall
And under your cruel eye outworn
Are wondering why they died for!
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Linkin Park Honors Chester Bennington In The Emotional Video For 'One More Light'
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God bless-God bless-God help-God stead
Your dread-Your deads-
Who trail and kneel your law
Vengeance scream loud-your dead-
That enemies sword accept with awe
God bless-God bless-God help-God stead
Your dread-Your deads-
Who blinded from your crown
Vengeance scream loud-your dead-
Who their hopes built up with straw
And under the threat of a hellborn are
Wondering why they died for!
Is this the holy thing to see and die
Is this what forbid my heart's delight
Then a dubious being and weak am I
Without caring if I live or f I die
Mortals face your holy dream tonight
The sky, the earth, the sea belongs to thee...
God bless-God bless-God help-God stead
Your dread-Your dead-
Who blinded from your crown
Vengeance scream loud-your dead-
Who rise in the nightfall
And under your cruel eye outworn
Are wondering why they died for!