Honey let's get high- we're gonna have a real good time
Honey let's get high- we're gonna have a real good time
Wer'e gonna start out on whiskey- we'll end up drinking wine
Let's get real drunk-let's let it be our ruin
Let's start out on whiskey- let's let it be our ruin
Let's get so high 'til we won't know what were doing
(sax solo)
Let's drink and drink- girl let your hair down
Let's drink and drink- girl let your hair down
Let's get real high let's spend the night downtown
(sax solo)
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Jay Z Address Infidelity And Beyoncé On New Album 4:44
We'll run out of money and my head feels real bad
We'll run out of money and my head feels real bad
But I'm satisfied just thinking about the time we had
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