Brian O'Linn had no britches to wear
So he got him a sheepskin to make him a pair
The leather side out and the wooly side in
"Sure its great summers clothing." said Brian
Brian O'Linn had no watch to put on
So he got him a turnip to make him a one
He put a wee cricket in under the skin
"Sure theyll think it is ticking," said Brian
Brian O'Linn and his wife and wifes mother
They all went home oer a wee bridge together
The bridge it was narrow, they all tumbled in
"Sure well go home by water," said Brian O'Linn
Brian O'Linn to his house had no door
Hed the sky for a roof and the bog for a floor
Hed a way to jump out and a way to swim in
"Sure theres great ventilation," said Brian