Easy to poke yourself square in the eye
Harder to like yourself, harder to try
These Elvis poses, postcards, and neoprene
Roses a dollar a stem
Everyone's sleeping or pulling a long haul
The keys in the cooler, it's 3 A.M.
And Saturn is beckoning no one
Is off on its own
Is offering up
Late shift convenience store
Cut out the lights
Telescope roof towards the northwestern sky
You pull the ladder up
No one's the wiser
You find your sights and discover
23 One Hit Wonders You Still Can't Get Out Of Your Head
Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody video hits 1 billion views on YouTube
NEW SONG: Blink-182 - 'Happy Days' Lyrics
Saturn is orbiting nothing
Is off on its own
Is breaking from home
Harder to look yourself square in the eye
Easy to take off
You found the ladder in the pattern of your wrist
You've seen and you've marked horizons
Mother was difficult, she made you cry
Cover the mirror, look to the sky
You climb into your rocket ship triumph
Lift up and hold out your hands
Saturn is orbiting nothing
Is off on its own
Is breaking from home
Saturn is orbiting nothing
Is off on its own
Is breaking from home
Saturn return when you chase down its moons
Throw them into a new gravity
Harder to look yourself square in the eye
Easy to poke yourself, easy as pie
Easy to take off, harder to fly
Harder to wake Galileo