Pedro del zorro
Want all the pleasures I can measure with a life full of charm
It's all your hope that brings confusion
Not much for places, social graces, and the flattering types
With all their methods of dillusion
Have another lesson, an impression, or a smothering lie, it's all the
same you can believe me
Whether it's the matter or the mind they screw you over in time, two
halves to all of your endings
Oh I tried my best, I tried my best, I tried it all
Why am I not the same, I told myself no more
Wreckless and wasted, fully tasted this impressive delight, my moral
compass points to south now
Hold all your questions, filth obsessions will provide all the facts,
with all you faithful whining out loud
Have another lesson, an impression, or a smothering lie, it's all the
same you can believe me
Whether it's the matter or the mind they screw you over in time, two
halves to all of your endings
Well I tried my best, I tried my best, I tried it all
Why am I not the same, I told myself no more
From this window pane, this window pane I saw you off
Well I tried my best, I tried my best I know
Tu necesitas mas horas del sueno Senor Zorro
Well I tried my best, I tried my best, I tried it all
Why am I not the same, I told myself no more
From this window pane, this window pane I saw you off
Well I tried my best, I tried my best I know
Oh tried my best
I know