My old ways and this new fist
Some things broken
Weren't meant to be fixed
It's just a matter of opinion, frankly
If nothing's happening
Then nothing is threatening
Let's enjoy what is dull
stare into this moment
one way with a green light
I think it's all gonna be alright
I'm better than ever
And its the best day of my life
This town's gonna bleed me dry
If no one takes my advice
I'm better than ever
And its the best day of my life
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so let's not ask for
Opposites of what we have
Like if it's hot, let's try to be cool with that
And if it's cool, sit by a fire
Fly a kite if you're bored
Take a nap if you're tired
Why are we so wicked indecisive
Let's hit the streets with toy explosives
And let's enjoy what we have
Stare into this moment
I can not let you
Get through my thick skin
I've gotta get you out of my system
And take back what is mine
stare into this moment
(and if I keep this speed
And if I keep this smile
Then I'll catch everyone, I swear)
one way with a green light
On a Saturday night
And it's easy to get so
Caught up in confusion
But just as easy to shrug it off and
Push right through them
Stare into this moment
And own it