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Khensu Neter Hetef. Who Possesseth Absolute Domninion over the Evil Spirits that Infest the Earth and Sky. He of the Silence of the Moon. Giver of Oracles. He that Must Forever Wax and Wane. Thou Art in Union with Thoth. The Excellent Thuti of Truth and Time. Keeper of the Lunar Cycle. Whose Hands are Able. Whose Tongue is Mighty in Speech. Author of the Works of Knowledge. Writer of the Ancient Wisdom. Master of the Words of Power. Lord of the Two Horns. God of the Full Moon. Aah Tehuti. As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me. Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns. I am He Who Sendeth Forth Terror into the Domain of Rain and Thunder. I have Made My Knife to Flourish along with the Knife Which is in the Hand of Thoth. I am He Who Calleth Down Curses and Commandeth the Elements unto Darkness. I Hath Uttered the Hidden Words. Even unto the Divine Words which Art Written in the Book of Thoth.
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