Queen of Me
(J. Rwakaara/N. Brown)
Copyright 2003 natfunk music BMI / Zikki Publishing ASCAP
She said, 9 to 5s the way to make a living
Quit your dreaming, stop your scheming.
He said, 95 pounds and you would be perfect
It would be worth it oooh and
You said, if you wanna get ahead
Come on over, share my bed,
I can make it happen
They said, you gotta watch what you say
Choose your words carefully
But I wont listen, cuz I
Do what I wanna do
Say what I wanna say
Play how I wanna play
I am the Queen of me (X2)
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me
Ive heard all the rumors
They have spread about me
Not conforming uh-oh and
Ive seen what can happen to your dreams
If you follow the main stream
Without question
Ive gone through out much of my life
Listening to the voice inside
And it tells me that I gotta do
I gotta do what I please
I aint gonna hurt nobody
Cuz I live consciously
I am the Queen of me
And I live my life free