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Beat down, fucked up
I'm drinkin' blood from the devil's cup
Now what you tell me
I can't even get shit for free
Hey girl, I'll have to go
Ain't got no money so let's go slow
In my room, this living hell
A living hell in the shit motel
Decadent and desperate
Fair play, crack's your pay
Shoot me up and make my day
Oh yeah, way to go
You really are a damn good ho
Oh, yeah, at the shit motel
How I love being stuck in this cell
Fucked up in a shit stained sty
Everything they ever said was a big, fat lie
And desperate
You're such a fucking dog
Looking for your special drug
Decadent and desperate
Beat down, fucked up
I'm drinkin' blood from the devil's cup
Now what you tell me
I can't even get shit for free
All right, come on
In a year or two
We'll both be gone
Who cares how sweet?
Your pain's gonna taste
When it falls to shit