Those forbidden stars on the skyline
Rest their eyes viewing great highlights
And now is the point in destiny
Where holding ties grows your little lies
Im looking for your hidden treasure
Like a dog with kicked pain, I seek your attention
If you kept me like your ice cream
Id melt down by the touch of your hand
And if you show me no mercy
Id cry out in false hoorays
Im looking for your hidden treasure
Like a dog with kicked pain, I seek your attention
You push me away, when Im looking for you
I search so hard, to find the love thats inside of you
To find the love thats inside of you
To see if this was ever true
To find the love thats inside of you
To see if this was ever true
I will cast a healing circle
To protect my dumb mistakes
Sooth my voice its time to let go
I know my quiet wont suffice
Im looking for your hidden treasure
Like a dog with kicked pain, I seek your attention
You push me away, when Im looking for you
I search so hard, to find the love thats inside of you
To find the love thats inside of you
To see if this was ever true
To find the love thats inside of you
To see if this was ever true
Dramatic Rescue
You are hero
Black and blue