A hand to aid along the road
A laugh to lighten any load
A place to bring a burdened heart
And heal the ache of sorrow's dart
Who'd willing share in joy or tears
And help to ease the darkest fears
Or my soul like his own defend
And all because he was my friend
No grave could hold so free a soul
I see him in the frisking foal
I hear him laughing on the breeze
That stirs the very tops of trees
He soars with falcons on the wing
He hears the song that night birds sing
Death never dared him captive keep
He lies not there, he does not sleep
But there is silence at my side
That haunts the place he used to ride
And my Companion can't belay
The loss that I sustained this day
How bleak the future now has grown
Since I must face it all alone
My road is weary, dark and steep
And it is for myself I weep