Mi Tierra(My Land)
1st Verse:
Do u remeber that magical place?
Captured in thoughts I fail 2 embrace
More than a memory, u flow thru my veins
Intangible feelings can not be explained
A paradise I've never seen
W/my own eyes, but thru stories I'm told
Some had 2 flee, their children are free
But living w/o u, I'll never be whole
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Mi tierra(My land), my homeland
Ur spirit is calling 2 me
Mi tierra (My land), I prayed 4 u
Hope that u're not just a dream
2nd Verse:
Nunca faltaba el sentido de union
(There was always the sense of 2getherness)
Siempre existio en abundancia el amor
(There is always abundant love)
No habia dinero (There was no money)
Nunca importo (Never mind)
Mucha alegria, vida, y valor (Lot alegri, life & value)
I need 2 understand & touch w/these hands
Oh, but I'm frigh10d of what I might find
I'll never see that way it used 2 be
But changing is only a matter of time
Mi tierra(My land), my homeland
Ur spirit is calling 2 me
Mi tierra (My land), I prayed 4 u
Hope that u're not just a dream
My homeland, mi tierra (My land)
Tu espiritu vive en me (Ur spirit lives in me)
Mi tierra (My land)
Te deseo en suenos regreso a ti (I wish 2 dreams back 2 u)
A Suga!
Libertad del corazon (Heart Freedom)
Libertad sin represion (Freedom w/o repression)
Libertad es la razon (Freedom is the reason)
3rd Verse:
Se que algun dia reqresaran (That someday, reqresaran)
A rehacer lo que dejaron atras (2 redo what they left behind
El hambre se tiene que acabar (Hunger must end)
Tengamos fe...libertad (10gamo faith...freedom)