Written by : Li Yuchun
你常说我唱的歌 太幼稚不够深刻
You always tell me my songs are too naive and shallow
I can only reply with silence
笑着表扬我最乖 乖得像个大小孩
You softly praise me for being good
Good like a mature kid
Thanks for this not wanted dialogue
所谓成人世界 爱是什么模样
What is love like in the adult world?
I see only hiding in fear.
你的不安 你说对我好想
Your hesitance when you say you miss me
说完就逼我忘 用喝醉来伪装
But you force me to forget straight after
Pretending you are drunk and nothing happened
想为你变坏 像为你成长
I want to be bad for you
Like I'm growing up for you
就算下一秒就流泪 就受伤
Even if it means tears and pain
面有色眼光 对刺耳声浪
I will stand against prejudicial eyes and harsh words
就算全世界不爽 那又怎样
Even if the whole world gets against me
So what