This is the house that love built
Memories of you are built in each wall
Wanting the seeds still haunt my dreams
Though I've just heard your voice in the hall
The mirrors reflect all the heartache I feel
Smiling photographs don't seem real.
Nothing's been moved, but everything's changed
Each chair isn't placed, just my life's rearranged
The wind cries your name through each window and door
Love don't live here, love don't live here anymore.
The fire alight still glows a pale blue
The mantle is cruel holding pictures of you
Your scent lingers there, in the bed that we shared
The last plant I sent isn't bloomed
These rooms are unkind to play tricks on my mind
I can see how you've lived without me.
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Nothing's been moved, but everything's changed
Each chair isn't placed, just my life's rearranged
The wind cries your name through each window and door
Love don't live here, love don't live here anymore...