Yo momma so fat that her senior pictures had to be arial views!Yo momma so fat she's on both sides of the family!Yo momma so fat everytime she walks in high heels, she strikes oil!
Yo momma so fat she fell and made the Grand Canyon!
Yo momma so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace threw her in!
Yo momma so fat that when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips!
Yo momma so fat even her clothes have stretch marks!Yo momma so fat she has a wooden leg with a kickstand!Yo momma so fat she has to use a VCR as a beeper!Yo momma so fat she broke her leg, and gravy poured out!
Yo momma so fat they have to grease the bath tub to get her out!
Yo momma so fat she has a run in her blue-jeans!Yo momma so fat when she gets on the scale it says to be continued.
used her underwear elastic for bungee
Yo momma so fat she broke her leg and gravy fell out.Yo momma so fat the animals at the zoo feed her.Yo momma so fat she was baptized at Marine World.
Yo momma so fat she's on both sides of the family!Yo momma so fat when she dances at a concert the whole band skips.
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Yo momma so fat that she cant tie her own shoes.