Walking the dying orb of man
An empty path, blinded: fear
Unable to speak the tongue of wrath
Deaf to words not spoken in crowd
Nameless centuries
Still underneath
I am so alien to you
Shut were those fragile eyes
During all these starlit nights
Hearing the dying prayer
Of a man
His pity words disgust me
...who are you too speak
Whose mind (is) in chains
You never walked alone
Tasted sour wine
11 Delicious Misheard Lyrics About Food
Tom Petty's Most Iconic Lyrics
We've Got Handwritten Lyrics From Americana Sensations The Lone Bellow
Warriors like me
-The wicked kind
Hand of mans demise
Darken spirits
Asleep for so long
It is time to open our eyes
Artist: Casa Degli Specchi