Sitting 'round, talking 'bout old China
And how the ladies hair will go to gray
Paying for a speedy revolution
Hoping those fine lines will go away
Someone screams about abuse of power
So lonely, there was nothing left to say
Hoping for a speaking revolution
And wishing that the crimes would go away
Cross your heart and hope to die
It'll happen in the blinking of an eye
Cross your heart and hope to die
It'll happen in the blinking of an eye
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Dealing with the mask of your deception
I threw that other chance away today
I'd been asking for a speedy resolution
Hoping other signs would go away
Since sitting here, talking 'bout old china
And how old ladies hair will go to gray
I'd been praying for a speedy resolution
Expecting that the time will slip away
Cross your heart and hope to die
It'll happen in the blinking of an eye
Cross your heart and hope to die
It'll happen in the blinking of an eye