When the world swallows whole all you've known
There are no landmarks you can recognise
Where is the jewel that will never fade
Will not decay with old age
Maybe a death, maybe a depression
Those things you thought you could lean on
Are suddenly just an impression
Well, if you put your trust in things of dust
You're gonna feel the pain of loss
Naughty & Nice Christmas Songs
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20 Classic Christmas Lyrics to Celebrate The Holiday Season
The pain of loss
When the world swallows whole all you've known
There are no landmarks you can recognise
We've got no understanding of this body's needs
We've got no understanding of real philosophy
We've got no understanding of mortality
So we keep putting our trust in things that rust
And then we feel the pain of loss
Keep putting our trust in things that rust
And then I feel the pain of loss
La la la loss