まずはpush upsこなす my girls
振りもbrush up して my girls
受身なんかじゃいられない Oh
ナンデモできる気分 so right
おまじないナンバーセヴン alright?
強力な味方はそう my girls oh
気まぐれなほどアガるの baby
止められないheartbeats (Baby baby, okay?)
Supersonic girl知らないでいてね ma boy
We can be, we can be, Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
彼の前では Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
Boysは立てて Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
Oh we can be, Ordinary girls!
27 Best Ever Songs From Movie Soundtracks
NEW SONG: Camila Cabello - 'Shameless' - LYRICS
NEW SONG: 5 Seconds of Summer - 'Teeth' - LYRICS
OH GOD! Can I be your baby girl?
簡単じゃないほどアガるの baby
止められないheartbeats (Baby baby, okay?)
Supersonic girl知らないでいてね ma boy
We can be, we can be, Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
彼の前では Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
Boysは立てて Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
Oh we can be, Ordinary girls!
OH GOD! Can I be your baby girl?
まじヤバイ!? なにもかもが perfect
カレのせい!? いつもよりもhot (Hoot!!)
Okay okay, this is kind of crazy
ありのままを見て love me right
We can be, we can be, Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
彼の前では Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
Boysは立てて Ordinary girls (GIRLS!)
Oh we can be, Ordinary girls!
OH GOD! Can I be your baby girl?