Knocking on Forbidden Doors
Eia; Ergo Advocata nostra (Hurray! Therefore our advocate)
Illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos (Turn those, your merciful eyes)
Converte Et Iesum (Toward us)
Benedictum fructum ventris tui (And Jesus the blessed fruit of your womb)
Way To Eternity (Media vita in morte sumus - In the midst of life we are in death)
Quem quaerimus adjutorem (We search the helper)
Nisi te Domine (If not you Lord)
Sancte Deus (Holy God)
Sancte Fortis (Holy Firm)
Sancte Misericors Salvator (Holy and Merciful Savior)
Amarae morti ne tradas nos (Savior, don't hand us conscientiously over to the bitter death)
18 Non-Traditional Yet Perfect Wedding Songs
NEW SONG: 5 Seconds of Summer - 'Teeth' - LYRICS
Back To The Rivers Of Belief
Turn off the lights
Take a breath
And relax...
Turn off the lights
And relax...
Take a deep breath
And relax...
Take me Back To The Rivers Of Belief
Take me Back To The Rivers Of Belief my friend
A look inside my heart
A look inside my soul
I promise you I will return
And when The Lamb opened the Seventh Seal silence above the sky
Take me Back To The Rivers Of Belief
Take me Back To The Rivers Of Belief my friend
A look inside my heart
A look inside my soul
I'm waching out for you
Until one day
We'll rest in peace
On my Rivers of Belief