Why hello, say can I buy you another glass of beer?
Well thanks a lot, that's kind of you,
It's nice to know you care
These days there's so much going on
No one seems to wanna know
I may be just an old soldier to some
But I know how it feels to grow old
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Yea that's right
You can see me here most every night
You'll always see me staring
At the walls and at the lights
Funny I remember oh it's years ago I'd say
I'd stand at that bar
With my friends who've passed away
And drink three times the beer that I can drink today
Yes I know how it feels to grow old
I know what they're saying son
There goes old mad Joe again
Well, I maybe mad at that, I've seen enough
To make a man go out his brains
Well do they know what it's like
To have a graveyard as a friend
'Cos that's where they are boy, all of them
Don't seem likely I'll get friends like that again.
Well it's time I moved off,
But it's been great just listening to you
And I might even see yer next time I'm passing through
You're right there's so much going on
No-one seems to wanna know
So keep well, keep well old friend
And have another drink on me
Just ignore all the others, you've got your memories.