siu sat dik gwong jam saan zoi fung leoi
disappearing of available time disperse in the wind
fong fat soeng bat hei zoi min deoi
seemingly have forgotten how to face again
流浪日子 你在伴隨
lau long jat zi nei zoi bun ceoi
drifting days you accompanying
jau jyun zoi zeoi
have fate to gather again
tin zan dik sing jam ji zoi gaam teoi
innocent sounds are already declining
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NEW SONG: Camila Cabello - 'Shameless' - LYRICS
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bei ci wai zoek muk biu soeng keoi
one another for goals are parting
凝望夜空 往日是誰
jing mong je hung wong jat si seoi
staring at the future night sky in former days who was I
ling wui sam zung pei leoi
understanding the heart's exhaustion
**來忘掉錯對 來懷念過去
loi mong diu co deoi loi waai nim gwo heoi
come forget wrong right come cherish the memory of the past
cang gung dou waan naan jat zi zung jau lok ceoi
once pass through trial and tribulation days together inevitably there was joy
不相信會絕望 不感覺到躊躇
bat soeng seon wui zyut mong bat gam dok dou cau cyu
do not believe will be hopeless do not feel hesitant
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在美夢裡競爭 每日拚命進取
zoi mei mung leoi ging zang mui jat pun meng zeon ceoi
in fond dream competing every day forging ahead to the utmost
奔波的風雨裡 不羈的醒與醉
ban bo dik fung jyu leoi bat gei dik sing jyu zeoi
rushing about in wind and rain unruly awake and drunk
所有故事像已發生 飄泊歲月裡
so jau gu si zoeng ji faat sang piu paak seoi jyut leoi
all stories resemble already happened drifting in time
風吹過已靜下 將心意再還誰
fung ceoi gwo ji zing haa zoeng sam ji zoi waan seoi
wing blowing by already calm down return intentions to who again
讓眼淚已帶走 夜憔悴**
joeng ngaan leoi ji daai zau je ciu seoi
let tears already take away night's wilt
凝望夜空 往日是誰
**來忘掉錯對 來懷念過去
不相信會絕望 不感覺到躊躇
在美夢裡競爭 每日拚命進取
奔波的風雨裡 不羈的醒與醉
所有故事像已發生 飄泊歲月裡
風吹過已靜下 將心意再還誰
讓眼淚已帶走 夜憔悴**
**來忘掉錯對 來懷念過去
不相信會絕望 不感覺到躊躇
在美夢裡競爭 每日拚命進取
奔波的風雨裡 不羈的醒與醉
所有故事像已發生 飄泊歲月裡
風吹過已靜下 將心意再還誰
讓眼淚已帶走 夜憔悴**