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[Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Hylgaryss]
Une lueur scintille dans la nuit,
Et l'ange tombe du haut des cieux,
Les ailes dchires par son dieu,
Une goutte de plus parmi les pluies.
Son corps a travers les nuages,
Pour atterrir sur terre, tremblant,
D'un ange, il ne reste plus que le visage,
La puret de son teint blanc.
L'homme pauvre sera attrist,
Mais du paradis est venue la haine,
Il ne reste plus, sur son visage blme,
Que malheurs et souffrances ignors.
"Je voudrais dormir une dernire fois,
Oublier ma douleur et Marie,
Dj je sens natre de la mort l'ennui,
Mais des autres mondes j'ai perdu la foi".
[The Angel's Fall]
[Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Hylgaryss]
A light twinkles in the night
And the angel falls from the heavens
His wings torn by his God
Another drop among the rains
His shell has crossed the clouds
To land on earth, shivering,
Of an angel only remains his face,
The purity of his white complexion
The poor man shall be sad
But from Heaven came hatred
On his pale face only remain
Ignored miseries and sufferings
" I wish I could sleep one last time,
To forget my pain and Marie,
I already feel boredom in Death,
And I have lost faith in other worlds.. "
[Translated from french by Pandora]
Artist: E-girls
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