leT's go!
i Fade
caUsE notHinG's rEal
anD EverytHiNg's A fuCkinG fake
i BeLieveD
woRd by WoRd yoU'VE wHIsperEd Me
RECrUAted for The mASs
i'M a sLaVe
coNtrolleD By yoUr PuRiTy
OblITerate FacTs distRACt
fRom A mOcking MasqUerAdE
and beneaTh
a lITtLE ChIlD crIES willinGLy
i'm ChoKiNg ON YouR lousy MeSS
the fIrsT crUsAdE
agaiNst yoUR hYPIng pRophEcieS
hysTERIc shit
DrillinG THrOUgh My HeaD
I'M On eCstaSY
my rAGE Is breakinG Free
who GIVes a CRaP?
whO CareS iF i'm A mental wRack?
i Say HellO aNd wElCoMe to HYsteRiA
A puPpeT marcHinG fOwArd
and aGaiNSt it's fAtE
I Conceive
ThaT notHInG Was reAlity
AnTIsOcIaL abScESs
i'm The InfIDeL
i'm your god DAmn eNEmy
No You ARe NOT In My hEAD
No yoU Are not In mY hEad
NO yOu ArE nOT in mY hEad
nO you arE noT iN My heaD
Artist: Behemoth
Artist: Krishna Das
Artist: Crash Test Dummies
Artist: Mdc