We use to talk
Delivered on a dime
Now we live together
Never find the time
We use to walk
As lovers on the sand
Now we're working full time
On our lifetime plan
We never stop to see
The moon at night
We're just too busy
Leading complicated lives
Songs That Will Make You Cry Uncontrollably
Watch Ariana Grande Sing Her Hits On Carpool Karaoke
Every Lyric From Shawn Mendes' Self-Titled New Album
Whoa, whoa, whoa
I remember love on a rooftop
We couldn't make our love stop
We were giving all that we got
Whoa, whoa, whoa
I remember holding you so tight
Ooh, when kissing lasted all night
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Love on a rooftop
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
Check Out
Every Lyric From Keith Urban's New Album 'Graffiti U'
15 Huge Stars Who Were Backup Singers First
Watch Janelle Monáe's Sci-Fi film 'Dirty Computer'
Songs You Love If You Love Nerds
Look at us now all grown up
We got it all together
Got it all sown up
But is this all, it was leading to
Do we just run out of dreams
When all our dreams come true
What ever happened
To those endless nights
When we were happy
Living young and foolish lives
We never stop to see
The moon at night
We're just too busy
Leading complicated lives