Zoom, just one look and then my heart went boom. Suddenly and we were on the moon. Flyin' high in a neon sky, oh oh. . Bang, just one touch and all the church bells rang.
Ande como um macaco. Imite um canguru. Imite o leão. Agora o papagaio. . Vamos nos divertir. Cantar, correr, sorrir. Num lugar mágico. Pra gente ser feliz.
Zipperpig, Zipperpig, Zipperpig, Oh. Zipperpig, Zipperpig, Zipperpig, Oh. . I got the call at 3.33. I arrived at the scene. It was a masonic conspiracy.
Und wieder fahr i mit der U-Bahn von der Arbeit z`Haus. Draußen regnet`s, innen stinkt`s und i halt`s fast net aus.. Die Leit, ob`s sitzen oder stehn, alle schaun so traurig drein,.
Und wieder fahr' i mit der U-Bahn. von der Arbeit z'Haus.. Draußen regnets. innen stinkt's. und i halt's fast net aus. . die Leut' ob's sitzen oder steh'n.
Glaub ned. glaub ned. Glaub ned. was in der Zeitung steht. . Die Zeitung liest man jeden Tag. Die Zeitung lügt gedruckt. Und wann man so drüber nachdenkt.
gestern kam ein brief, er war fr mich. eine anschrift oder eine marke fand ich nicht. irgend jemand legte ihn vor meine tr. die paar zeilen, die ich las waren von mir.
Wenn ich einmal Hochzeit mach dann immer nur mit dir. Sag ich Ja dann ist mir klar ich sag es nur zu dir. Wenn i mal a Ringl trag dann immer nur von dirImmer nur, immer nur, immer nur das von dir..
Gimme that z, o-l-o-f-t. Gimme a grip, make me love me. Suckin' 'em down, I'm happy man. Can feel it inside, makin' me smile. . Realize that the sky's not made of gold.
Pretty plastic bottles. Lay beside your bed. With every dose you swallow. You lose your head. . (And how) is your heart still bleeding?. (Where) did the human go?.
Gonna sink my body down. Feel it tremble with sound. Mother's speaking loudly now. . Yeah it runs through my body I am wild. My body breaks through the water I'm a newborn child.
Kesshite heibon na mainichi ni. Iraira shiteru wake ja nai. Fuzakete hashaide. Baka yatteta ano goro mitai ni. Doushiyou mo nai koto bakka wo. Itsudemo kangaete ita.
Heide, heide, heide ho.. Life was moving way to slow.. Call the doctor what's wrong with me?. Can't think man I can't see.. Name on the door says Christ M.D..
Here goes that stubborn goat. Who won't give up the remote. Conservative patient. Persistent with statements. Never admitting wrongs. Difficult and strong.
Zero Love Squared. (In Russian). . ,. . ZERO LOVE SQUARED. . Break the ice. Zero love squared. Melt between the lines. Not with me. A secular lie. The night is torture you.
(Too Fernandez). (Cantado por Carlos Vives y Mayt Montero). Vives:. Me mandaste a decir. que me estabas olvidando (bis/repeat). Yo te mande por contesta.
Litigation got me thinking. In the window all these letters. This will be your own catastrophe. As you wait zone zero. . I don't care what you think. I don't care what you say.
Cas: 2:21. Vcera Dabel s bilou vlajkou. pred nebeskou branou stal. a pan, pan, pan,. Pan Buh s nim rozmlouval,. cernej dym, pekelnej ohen. jim nad hlavou plal.
Bonjour Munyungo. Bonjour Angel. Bonjour Billy. Bonjour Mark. Bonjour Vinx. [More stutter du Francais].
I sit back and watch you go by me. claw for your important place in society. money prestige fame and fuckin' glory. everywhere you look it's the same old story.