This is where my story begins. No one knows where it ends. The worlds devastated by Sin. Journey on to Zanarkand. . Im your guardian til the end. That means wherever you go I will follow.
zero tolerance is the new trend. minor criminals get the iron hand. rapists, murderers and politicians don't seem a threat. the other hand is held above their heads.
Oh, you're so fucking cool,. now you have become an army tool. mind frustrated, you joined their clan,. for legal butchery of innocent men,. Now you're a man since you joined their clan,.
Is there something you feel?. Is there something you furtively know?. Under the spell of science,. Can we declare?. . Can we allow ourselves to experience?.
Lock up your brain because I'm here again. I'm never bored to steal your chords. . Zerox machine. Zerox machine. . Give me a line or a middle eight. I've got the best, so I want the rest.
Armour you ass time is right to fight. Slam your lips, talkin' is a bad habit.. We learned to take before we learned to give. But we can see evil even though we're blind..