I heard you on my wireless back in fifty two. Lying awake intently tuning in on you. If I was young it didn't stop you coming through, oh a oh. They took the credit for your second symphony.
Barren stares as they light up the screen. Bearing teardrops that shatter in slow motion. Novocaine our brains and we're out like lights. . But as I'm growing older I'm bored.
Skin absorption, mystical poison.. Vanished life, bequeathed.. . Knock on coffin, shallow burial.. Emerge enslaved, commands obeyed.. . Vision in the shroud, effect of curare..
Crawl on our knees through the gutter from an untimely demise. By remission of all sins, forsaking old and wise. . Violation of domain. . An area of conquest which only we have one.
The Serpents Tale. Glides past my window. And I just cant see you here. While those stray eyes move through me. . Venus you're a Sunbeam. Venus you're in my Blood.
Vivir sin l es no vivir. atarlo en corto es ayudarlo a huir. caprichoso como el azar. ms frgil que la amistad.. Veneno para el corazn. no tiene patria, ley ni religin.
Vivir sin l es no vivir. atarlo en corto es ayudarlo a huir. caprichoso como el azar. ms frgil que la amistad.. Veneno para el corazn. no tiene patria, ley ni religin.
As I skulked past the gates. And drew behind the stones. The winding trees enveloped. The cloak around my bones. . Peering through the night's mist. I crept through the fen.
In university vivisection labs another million of government grants is spent. For better money a lawyer sells out the client he's supposed to represent.
[music: Tuomas Saukkonen, words: Tuomas Saukkonen]. . her voice is calling again. to me with songs of suffering. she sings to me from beyond. repeats your name and the crime you've done.
Que te importa que te ame si tu no me quieres ya. Un amor que ya ha pasado no se debe recordar. . fui la ilusión de tu vida un dia muy. Lejano ya why represento un pasado no me puedo.
Bebo y Cigala Veinte Aos Lyrics:. que te importa que te ame si tu no me quieres ya. un amor que ya ha pasado no se debe recordar. . fui la ilusin de tu vida un dia muy.
Saved your life again. But you easily, forget. And your talk buddies. They won't miss you when you're gone. . It doesn't mean that much to you. To mean that much to me.
Mi faro` strada tra cento miliardi di stelle. la mia anima le attraversera`. e su una di esse vivra` eterna.. Vi sono dicono cento miliardi di galassie.
Ci alzammo che non era ancora l'alba. pronti per trasbordare. dentro un satellite artificiale. che ci condusse in fretta. alle porte di Sirio. dove un equipaggio sperimentale.
Nos levantamos antes del alba, listos para transportar. dentro de un satlite artificial que nos conduce deprisa. a las puertas de Sirio donde un equipo experimental.
Veni l'autunnu. scura cchi prestu. l'albiri peddunu i fogghi. e accumincia 'a scola. da' mari gi si sentunu i riuturi. e a' mari gi si sentunu i riuturi..
Venezia mi ricorda istintivamente Istanbul. stessi palazzi addosso al mare. rossi tramonti che si perdono nel nulla.. D' Annunzio mont a cavallo con fanatismo futurista.
All male, nine by nine, hanging gently, swaying in the wind. The bark of ash absorbing the splattered heays of blood. For the return of the sun, a winter sacrifice.
Valhalla. Shields of gold. Valhalla. Great Warroirs hall. . Valhalla. Valhalla.