Verlangen ist mein Wort. Endgltig meine Gebrde. Verhrmt is mein Blick. Gleichgltig meine Andacht. . Dennoch erhebt sich Sehnsucht. aus tiefen, dunklem Abgrund.
Durch die hehre Finsternis. des zukunftig Vergangenen. sehnt das Raunen sich nach Licht. nach einem Weg heraus. zwischen zweierlei Welten. . Verstummt ist die gleichgultig' Andacht.
Durch die hehre Finsternis. des zuknftig Vergangenen. sehnt das Raunen sich nach Licht. nach einem Weg heraus. zwischen zweierlei Welten. . Verstummt ist die gleichgltig' Andacht.
(music by matton - september 92). (poems by bartsch - october 92). Desire's my saying. Final's my appearance. Care-worn's my glance. Apathetic's my devotion.
The banished sorrow. buried in aurora. causes lifeless emotion. in the flame of my faded heart. . If dead life immerses in dawn. and the shade of my schism.
Das verbannte Leid. begraben in der Leichenblsse. verursacht leblose Erregung. in der flamme meines welken Herzens. . Wenn totes Leben. am Ende der Nacht versinkt.
Voc no sabe quanta coisa eu faria. Alm do que j fiz. Voc no sabe at onde eu chegaria. Pra te fazer feliz. Eu chegaria. Onde s chegam os pensamentos. Encontraria uma palavra que no existe.
Voc no sabe quanta coisa eu faria. Alm do que j fiz. Voc no sabe at onde eu chegaria. Pra te fazer feliz. Eu chegaria. Onde s chegam os pensamentos. Encontraria uma palavra que no existe.
I hear a voice calling out. I hear a voice in this wilderness. Where darkness has reigned for so long. Ground is being taken. . The trumpet sounds. And Your glory touches the ground.
Hey yeah yeah yeah. . I know of a man who lives on the other side. On the other side of this mountain. They say he's calling the weary home. . I've been told of a man who walks on the other side.
i wanted you to know my name. wish that you could read my mind. you are a ghost in my dreams. . you're distracting my mind. see the secrets that i hide.
[Music: Klas]. [Arrangement: Beseech]. [Lyrics: Jorgen]. . I see her walking through the shadows. A scent of purfume as her head lays to my chest. A broken heart completes the circle.
A l'ge de 12 ans. Ils t'ont qualifi. D'enfant dlinquant,. Petit meurtrier. Et 14 ans. De psychopathe grave. Et d'adolescent irrcuprable. Et a 17 ans. T'tais alcoolique,.
Une raya de bambins livre aux flammes leurs landaux. Une ribambelle de nains foutent le feu dans l'mtro. Une arme de gamins qui brle les magasins. Trois millions de lycens carbonisent leurs bouquins.
Des camras pour t'surveiller. Une douche froide pour t'rveiller. Une femme flic pour te faire jouir. Et des mdocs pour t'abrutir. Dans une usine pour travailler.
(Voice in the Wind) Interlude. . I'm that voice. That's blowing in the wind. And I'm that heart. That's always hurting deep within. I'm that soul. That's longing to be found.
There's something strange about this bottle. It's calling me at 4 A.M. It's telling me that everything's okay. She's not laying down with him. There's something strange about these rain drops.
Por poco y no poda ms,. ya casi me dola soar,. justo cuando comensaba a no creer. llegaste t, y desperte.. . A tu lado aprendi a volar. a encontrar las ganas de luchar.
Veronica stared at the ring on her hand. She said nothing in life goes according to plan. For you cannot control what you can't understand. So you take what you can and you hold it.
White lights flashing. Blood pouring violently, fight, got to get through. Got to reach till we find You, got to find You, oh, oh, oh. . Got to fight, got to fight till we reach You.