When I was young
I rode my big wheel
Down a big hill
No helmet on
When I was young
I found a baby bird
With no mother
I took it in
When I was young
When I was young
Thought I could breakdance
In my parachute pants
I was so cool
When I was young
I had no money
Never went hungry
Thank you, Mom
Naughty & Nice Christmas Songs
5 Totally Underrated Christmas Songs
20 Classic Christmas Lyrics to Celebrate The Holiday Season
As we go through the years
Somehow those little fears
Grow into something else
Our older wiser selves
So now I play it safe
Oh, me of little faith
Could learn a thing or two
From who I used to be
When I was young
When I was young
I had no regrets
No big secrets
Except for one
I liked a girl
I never told her
She was older and popular
As we go through the years
Somehow those little fears
Grow into something else
Our complicated selves
So now I play it safe
Oh, me of little faith
Could learn a thing or two
From who I used to be
When I was young
Each night I'd say my prayers
And He was there
I slept so well
When I was young
When I was young
When I was young
When I was young