Well they gave him his orders in Munroe, Virginia
Saying, "Steve, you? re a way behind time
This is not 38 but it? s old 97
You must put her into Spencer on time"
Well, he turned to the black greasy fireman and said
"Just shovel on a little more coal
And when we cross that wide open mountain
You can watch old 97 roll"
It? s a long, long way from Danville to Lynchburg
Got a line near the three mile grade
It was on that grade that he lost his air breaks
You could see what a jump that he made
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He was going down the grade doing 90 miles an hour
When the whistle broke into a scream
He was found in the wreck with his hand on the throttle
And scalded to death by the steam
Well, a telegram came to Washington station
And this is what it read
"Oh that brave engineer that runs old 97
Well, he? s lying in old Danville dead"
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Now come on you ladies and from me take warning
And from this day on, you must learn
Never speak harsh words to your kind hearted husband
He may leave you and never return