Dirty mind, dirty mind, dir- dir- dir- dir-, dirty mind
Dirty mind, dirty mind, dir- dir- dir- dir-, dirty mind
I try to leave the house, but she won't let me out
Deadbolts lock got me strapped to the couch
She's got a dirtier mind than my mouth,
But hey, they say the more you fuck, the better for your health
She wants me at the party,
She wants me at the mall,
She wants me in a bathroom stall
She wants me at the party,
She wants me at the mall,
She wants me in a bathroom stall
Hey you,
I know what you're gonna do,
I wanna be the person that you do it to
Hey you,
I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do
Dirty mind, dirty mind, dir- dir- dir- dir-, dirty mind
Dirty mind, dirty mind, she just wants to fuck me all the time
(she just wants to fuck me all the time)
Of course i'm not mad about too much sex
I'm mad because I gotta be home by 6,
Just because she learned a new po-sitionnn,
Fuck it, let's do it in the kitchen!
She wants me at the party,
She wants me at the mall,
She wants me in a bathroom stall
She wants me at the party,
She wants me at the mall,
She wants me in a bathroom stall
Hey you,
I know what you're gonna do,
I wanna be the person that you do it to
Hey you,
I wanna be the person you do, you do, you do, you do
Dirty mind, dirty mind, dir- dir- dir- dir-, dirty mind
Dirty mind, dirty mind, she just wants to fuck me all the time
(she's got a)
Dirty mind, dirty mind, dir- dir- dir- dir-, dirty mind
Dirty mind, dirty mind, she just wants to fuck me all the time
(she just wants to fuck me all the time)