やっともらったその役は. 海から上がった変死体. カメラがまわる間中. 身動きひとつしちゃいけない. 事件のきっかけ大事な役. . 不気味なメイク 乱れた服装. 水にふやけてさも奇ッ怪. スーパースター....... . お次にもらったその役は. ヒロイン乗せてつっ走る. 街のタクシードライバー. せりふもひとつあるだけさ.
I spent happiness. Before I ate strawberry cream puff. I had nothing to complain of. Before I ate strawberry cream puff. As if I were in a dream. Before I ate strawberry cream puff.
(hey what time is it? oh!) wake up everybody! it's now happy hour! wake up! it is now happy hour! hey, minnna genki kai? hey, asada, mewosamase hey, kyomo genki ippai hey, ikuze, go, go, go! mo,.
Merry merry christmas. Happy happy christmas. Merry merry christmas. And happy new year. Merry merry christmas. Happy happy christmas. Merry merry christmas.
Good morning shonen knife freaks!. All the people in the world have been waiting for. Shonen knife's new album. White, black, yellow, everybody. I'll present it for you now.