She wears her dress high. As high as she pulls her hat down low. She's seeking out the places. those other people can't go and hold her. . Untouched by the sea.
Sad bag of cliches sitting on a timbbomb. Ask Nerys Hughes, it's a very short fuse. Go find Alfie, ask about the road rage. Odds on it's kicking off somewhere near you.
They called his name when he was 18.. He couldn't wait to go.. He knew that there was glory waiting, he knew all there was to know.. So when they called his name he joined the line..
Waste a smile, waste an afternoon. Waste a while just waiting. Watch the thief follow the aftermath. Wasting time just hanging round. . Waste an hour, watch the shadows rolling.
Should I take it?. . The knowledge is deep. Inside him. Nobody, nobody knows it. Burns his conscience. Frightened every day. . He had the best performance.