Sup up, lad, I've spilt more ale down me waistcoat. Than you've supped tonight.. Bonnington's or Willy's lads?. Willy's tastes like piss.. I've got ten pints down me neck the night,.
Ten pints of Boddies and a barley wine,. We've got to make the Bear's Head before closing time.. We're the Macc Lads, we were born in a pub,. We like us ale and we like us grub,.
Get stuffed you arse bandit.. One of me best mates,. He come from Macc,. And we used to go out pulling crack,. Now we know it were just a farce,. 'Cos he's got spunk dribbling out of his arse..
Sheep shaggers..... Went up in the hills,. We was on a binge,. Look for some pubs and up some minge.. Couldn't find us no beer,. We just found sheep,.
Well the weekend is coming and it's time for a bath,. We're going to sup some Boddies and we'll have a good laugh,. So leave the dog at home or it'll want some drinks..
She was the perfect woman,. She was my kind of a bird,. 'Cos she stayed in the kitchen and she never said a word.. She had real big tits and a lovely slappable arse,.
Well, I spent last night trying to chuck me bird,. She were clinging to me leg like an old sick turd,. I said your tits are too small and your legs are too short,.
I've got an ugly face,. With spots all over the place,. I haven't got any mates,. And me clothes have gone out of date.. I go to the pub on me own,. And I drink me orange alone,.
A ya ya ya ya ya yaaar.... No petrol in the van,. Knee deep in empty cans,. We've lost the map, the tyre's flat, the bloody kid's been banned,. We stopped off for some grease, Nevis is obese,.
We all went down New Delih,. We had too much curry and aching bellies.. Peter got gut rot and puked on the floor,. Stez Styx banging on shithouse door..
I walked into the Nag's Head for to sustinate me belly,. There was a fit crack in the corner but I knew her cunt was smelly,. She smelt of rotting fish heads and old and crispy sick,.
Well you ain't been goin' down the pub,. You ain't been playing darts,. You ain't been doin' what you should,. You've been hangin' out with yer tart..